Originally Posted by KrisRaw
Is it more than SA and how does it compare to that?
Secret Benifits is free to join and different things cost different amounts of tokens (credits).
This is a good and bad thing. Good in that you are only charged for what you actually do.. Bad in the more you do, the more it costs.
You only have to pay one time (10 credits) to open up messaging to an individual person.. That stays free from that point on to that person. If that profile is a fake/burner one.. You wasted 10 credits.
Credtis cost 1000 for $289 ($0.28 each. . Or enough to talk to (private message) 100 people. That is the cheapest per credit buy.. You can also do 500 credits for $169 ($0.34 each) enough to message 50 people, or 100 for $59 ($0.59 each) enough for messaging 10 people.
It also costs 10 credits to unlock a secret picture album.
I have no idea the number of real vs fake profiles.. They say they don't create fake profiles (the company).. Or hire fake people to create profiles, something many of these dating / social sites do.
I'm not sure at this point. I am getting ready to may a credit purchase and try it out.