Originally Posted by catbanger
You sure it wasn't her hooker shoes in the window?
Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I get your concern, especially with the background you posted.. she could be working somewhat involuntarily with LE.. if so, yes, an explanation is fruitless.. actually what bothers me more. is the response you said she gave to your question.. even if I believed it to be her car, that answer would have sent me packing..
NO, she couldn't be because she is a Jedi and she doesnt get down with the dark side.
Maybe if this guy stopped and asked and explained then he wouldve had all the info he needed before he bailed after wasting my time and before he posted an alert with misinformation in it.
Yes there is a cop car that is parked in my complex. And it belongs to a cop. He has to live somewhere. He is also considered oncall security after hours for my complex.
I also have a white charger AND NO it doesnt have police lights on it. Its the one with that was parked further down the driveway so that you could utilize my reserved space infront of MY building. Which you never made it to because instead of inquiring about the situation you jumped to paranoid conclusions and bounced without any consideration for my time you wasted..