I discovered after an extensive search that there seemed to be only two options for escorts and companions when it came to getting a web site.
One option was the cookie cutter free sites like rare-escorts.com or escortsite.com .
These options offer free sites with free templates but became expensive when I wanted to customize and put my own personallity on the site ...like to remove the cheesy skinny girl outlines ( I'm a BBW) or if you wished to remove the cheesy porn star persona.(neon silhouettes, or those silhouettes of women that truckers use...lol)
Also unless you pay them I found they advertise other adult sites on your site and in the moble version I found other escort ads right on my home page.
I also discovered that using the dashboard they offer is a bit daunting if you aren'tcomputer and or HTML savvy. So Learn ( after many many hours) I now can even take some of the template and replace with my own content. And Oh yes...as of late they have began to offer so not so cheesy twemplate options but the is still the issue of adverts on your site and mostly how much of you precious time it will take to learn all the widget and such
The second option seemed to be webmaster fully customizable folks that built the site for you and were charging an arm and a leg ( and hey we need both our arms and legs in this biz...right...lol) They also maintained control of your site and you would need to go thru them for each and every change or update....Many times waiting days and weeks to get your changes made...and also in many cases having to pay for those as well
Well I have come up with a third option.......
The third option I found are accessable site builders ( like wordpress wix, go daddy, etc) that are available to most anyone .
Unfortunately this option for most is daunting and extremely time consuming too. I think you would agree that time is money in business and especially our business.
I discovered it took hours and days.........
sometimes weeks even, to learn all the ins and outs as well as all the widgets and neat little tricks they have in order to completely customize a site.
They start with a template like the "do it your self" escort site.com does( only not cheesy and porn start like) and there are hundreds of templates to chooses from.
You can completely customize every template they have but it took me quiet sometime to learn how to do that.
So...Once again I put my thinking cap on and took those days and weeks to learn all the ins and outs, all the widgets and neat little tricks.
Luckily for you I now know how and because I also discovered I enjoy building the sites so much I am willing to create a beautiful classy, professional site just for you at a fraction of the cost
Below are some samples of some of options for sites sizes
(others sizes are available)
The looks for your site are endless and we can discuss taste and likes and dislike as well as content and photos
There are tons of payment and design options and most everything is completely customizable.
If what I have below doesn't fit your need size wise we can discuss a plan that does.
You can chose to update or maintain yourself ( I'll teach you)
I can update and maintain for a small fee.(weekly updates/monthly updates and annual update fees available)
I am no webmaster but I see myself more like a website concierge.
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