The man in the Century 21 jacket had a press conference yesterday.
Actually reminds me more of a an old time southern politician.
In any event, Barry told the world that we have not plan, no strategy to deal with either Syria, ISIS, or Russia. We have nothing (kind of like the empty suit speaking behind the podium). Now some of you can try to consul yourselves by convincing yourselves that this is part of a grand strategy to fool our enemies with disinformation. That a plan is in the works and that our country is safe (September 11th is coming again). Except this doesn't wash. This admission would only encourage our enemies. To what end? ISIS launches a large scale, multifaceted attack on the US because they thought we were not ready? Or maybe Russian decides that Belarus needs fixing as well because we don't have an alternative? Face it, Obama is completely incompetent to hold this job. Not only do we not have a plan but he just told the bad guys that we don't have a plan.
Reality check: I'm know that somewhere in the Pentagon is some LCol. who has been working on a series of plans with his (or her) team. They inform some two star about what they have. When the shit hits the fan that two star takes charge with a third star. Whether or not Barry listens is the key and more importantly is whether Barry can get off the dime and make a fucking decision.
Making a decision, that seems to be Barry's Achilles heel. The IRS is breaking the law...
we want to wait until we have all the facts before we do anything.
The NSA is spying on Americans, can't you just order them to stop?
We don't want to make a decision until we have all the facts.
Our consulate is in danger in Libya. I allowed others to make decisions
and I will not punish anyone until we have a complete FBI investigation....and this is a phony scandal anyway.
Russia is going after Ukraine and the Crimea.
We don't want to jump to conclusions are we are willing to wait so we understand the situation.
ISIS has constituted itself in Syria and is a threat to Iraq.
We don't know that but we don't believe everything the CIA tells us. We will wait to see if ISIL (still months behind) becomes a threat.
There are veterans dying from lack of care and competence in the VA. We will conduct an internal audit and I know that we will find out that this is overblown. I will not punish someone before all the facts are known.
I was not aware of a problem on the border or that it had anything to do with what I said last year.
I didn't know about it until I saw it on CNN.
Compared to:
The police acted stupidly in Cambridge, MA.
George Zimmerman killed a boy who looked like my son.
The police officer in Ferguson, MO will be punished and I've sent Eric Holder to see to it.
The Tea Party is dangerous.
The GOP are racists and that is the only reason that they oppose my policies.
He is all yours. Your money, your votes, and your stupidity that advanced this nitwit to that podium. Even the left wingers in the media are complaining that Obama is doing nothing, that he doesn't seem to be in control, that he can't make a decision when decisions have to be made. Why do you still cling to Obama so tightly? Because, if you admit that he is a flop then your credibility is called into question. Your judgement is flawed and in the next presidential election the best thing for you to do is to stay home.