A LOT of last minute cancellations
NCNS' s like crazy.
It literally takes 2 minutes to send a message..if that.
" sorry something has come up I can't make it" Life happens. BE RESPECTFUL
I have a NCNS Penalty..
I will enforce it.
I don't care who you are...
Men trying to tell you what they will pay.. Things have gone NUTSO.
Plus you've got people who refuse to be screened. Like I am little
& NO FUCKING WAY are you coming to visit me without screening.
Then they don't want to see you because your safety is a priority.
Cool Beans.
I prefer not to see people with that mentality..
I go ABOVE & BEYOND to ensure you are safe, Your identity & our encounter is DISCREET & COMFORTABLE.
And these are REAL issues we are dealing with CURRENTLY in KC & IT'S NOT OK..EVER.
When YOU as a client Do these things.
You waste our time
You FUCK UP our budgets.
We can't schedule our time with our other obligations.
We lose good clients.
For those Gentlemen who are new..
For those who have gotten used to this ROTTEN ASS BEHAVIOR.
Party is over.
I will & I mean it I will put together a Blacklist that all of us Providers can Reference on A regular basis. Within the realms of discretion..it will take a minute & I will utilize advising from mods.
This isn't new but it is COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL.
Shayla..I Am so sorry you are going through this. It's happened to me a few times in my time .
And Nikki
Great idea....deposits.
And Here is A huge HUGE
THANK YOU to the GENTLEMEN who NEVER do this...you know who you are..You Know!!