Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Get the federal government out of education and return the money to the states.
We desperately need to cut federal spending. The first agency that should be closed is the Department of Education. Jimmy Carter created it. The federal government has no constitutional authority to spend a dime on education. Since the creation of The Department of Education, spending on eduction has skyrocketed and test scores have steadily fallen.
We need to abolish teacher's unions. Many government school teachers get tenure after two years and become essentially impossible to fire. Teacher's unions don't give a damn about the kids. They just want better benefits and more money. Considering the intelligence of the average government school teacher, they're already overpaid in most cases. Many government school teachers could not hold a job in the private sector. Colleges of education attract the students that can't get degrees in more challenging fields of study. A degree in education is about as meaningful as a degree in women's studies, philosophy or French poetry.