Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Was just browsing when I came across this article. Actually pretty interesting perspective of the writer. Below are excerpts from the article with the full source linked at the bottom:
You're an idiot. And always will be. Just to let you know your place in the world
The first two quotes are of people using the democratic process to reduce the size of government. You may not like their agenda, but it is the opposite of terrorism, mope.
The leftists in Greece are threatening to default on Greece's debt. Does that make them terrorists, mope?
Someone isn't a terrorist simply because they oppose your agenda.
The rest of your idiot quotes are about the Cliven Bundys of the world. Small fringe nut jobs that can be found in any political movement.
They don't represent the Tea Party anymore than the Weather Underground represented the Democratic party in the 60s.
The Tea Party (which I generally don't care for) represents many millions of people and works within the democratic process. And THAT is your real fear - that they might actually be successful at chipping away at the federal monolith that progressives love so dearly.
Here is a challenge - can you name an ACTUAL terrorist attack (one with death and physical destruction) that was committed by the Tea Party, mope?