Originally Posted by flinde
do know if we start banning gals for ncns this place will become more male than seal team six. which might not be a bad thing.
advice. always have a cum dump backup for these situations. get used to these situations, they are part of the game. you want punctual, I would suggest going to Philly and trolling around the Wharton school of business.
It's too bad you have to just "get used to" a ncns. But unfortunately, there are a lot of girls that don't respect their client's time. Yes, things happen and sometimes I've had to cancel a session but my clients at least deserve an explanation, nobody deserves to go through the trouble of scheduling a session only to receive no response when the time comes. That must be so frustrating! I've had a few ncns clients and it irritates the crap out out of me. All it takes is a simple text saying, "something came up and I can't make it". It's just common courtesy. There are so many providers with excellent reputations. Stick to those gals and you shouldn't have a ncns again.