Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Things I really want to do but never can because I live with munchkins that can't keep their hands to themselves...
1. Put together a large puzzle without losing the pieces
2. Crochet an afghan without having to redo a section of it everyday
3. Play board games without losing the pieces
4. Play cards without finding them in random places around the house.
5. Dump change (coins) in a coin tray and have it stay there.
6. Eat ice cream wherever I want in the house without having to hide...
7. Put my high heels in one place, take a nap, & still have them be there when I go to put them back on.
8. Hold on to a tube of toothpaste for more than a week (no really...it gets stolen all the time when the munchkins get bored and want minty fresh digestive tracks)
9. Hold on to a tube of lipstick that does not get used to create a new piece of artwork on a wall.
10. Go more than a few days without having to fish things out of my bathroom sink plumbing.
11. Own a remote control that does not need a tracking device to be located...
To be continued...