Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You're comparison is complete and utter bullshit ...
BT is not known for logical comparative examples when he is either ...
.......... obsessing or imbibing.
When he does both at the same time, it is unbearable.
But IBH, you do realize that BT knew there were no WMD's BEFORE any invasion in 2003.
BT: "....decided instead to search for
WMD's in Iraq that no longer existed." (See, BT knew.)
Like Obminable, he just didn't say anything about it. He knew it was a waste of time, money, and people to look for something that was no longer there; rather than to expend that time, money, and people looking for OBL in Afghanistan where BT knew he was all along, and also neglected to mention it to Congress or the President as to OBL's whereabouts.
My theory is that BT kept quiet to assure failure on Bush's part, because he was (and is) still angry about Bush defeating McCain in the primaries in 2000. There is another "theory" to explain why he kept quiet, but that might involve questioning his ... err.... omniscience.....which simply angers him more deeply and antagonizes him unnecessarily into childish tirades of changing the subject to my political affiliation.
Bush beat McCain (VN Vet) and Bush beat Kerry (VN Vet) and Bush wasn't even in the "real military" .... which apparently pissed off BT. So when McCain comes up again in 2008 BT didn't support him against Obaminable, because Obaminable WAS in the "real military" .... wait ... sorry ........ Obaminable wasn't even in the "fake military"!!!
Which might shed some light on why he supported Clinton over Bush I (WWII vet) and Dole (WWII vet).
Go figure. Obsession and anger runs illogically deep. He's a Democrat?
But McCain is a Republican! .......... obsessing or imbibing ... yet again.