Well, I pop in to find someone has attempted to throw me under the bus....lets get the facts straight....i did, in fact bareback the OP. Standard procedure (that wasn't in the review, but you brought it up). Second, the $$ was there for full hour, but the OP cut the session short claiming child issues. She was there for half hour, she got half hour $$. Lastly, I was kind in describing the look. Since we are throwing people under the bus, there is heavy, heavy evidence of forbidden topic use with this one (bruising, cuts, bad skin, etc).
In sumnation, she will go bare with no upsell, but she will try to scam you once she gets there. I have been in this game too long to fall for the scam. She got what the profile says is the half hour fee and frankly, it was a gift based on the look and the level of performamce.