Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Yes. They also asked the U.S. if they had any volunteer helicopter pilots.
I gotta say that, regardless of the bravery these people are showing, helicopters are pretty much a lost cause.
The coolant systems in those pools move thousands of gallons a day. There just ain't that many helicopters in the world.
In addition, if it is MOX in that pool then it will have to be continuously cooled until they can remove it from the site. The plutonium in MOX keeps it hot. You can't just cool it and leave it for while like uranium fuel. You have to keep dumping cold water on it 24 hours a day. You're talking about keeping a fleet of choppers in the air almost continuously for months. I just can't see them pulling it off.
It's starting to look really, really bleak over there. They really need a miracle right now.