I have enjoyed many ebony ladies... however, two 'stand outs' were
Kellie_love and
They are both lovely women and their skillz are 'top notch' to be sure -- BUT their IOP - AND genuine connection - set them apart from the rest.
Kellie's usually in LV and we still stay in touch - but Ynuff (aka 'T') is in Houston, so I get to see her - altho not often enough.
I have many gorgeous pix of both of them -- (but then again, my reviews are of events that never happened - you can see some of these pics in my reviews - if you have PA)...
Kellie's SC pic below (again, mine are sooo much better)...
Ynuffteacher... (a couple of favs plus a bonus makes 3)
Actually most all the 'N girls' have been fantastic... Peachy Sexy, Ruann Soka, gotoparis, psechelli95 aka Chelly... and there have been many, many others...
Thanks, ladies and all the very best to you...