Originally Posted by pxmcc
^^ya i'd like to see him call SC boy to his face. or you. or me, for that matter. it's not as bad calling a white person boy, but it would not fly with me in 1000 years..
i predict tbone is about to eat some points shortly. there's nothing funny about his conduct-including cyberstalking SC-and i for one am not amused in the least.
I said Boy also... BOY BYE ! Now, the word BOY is a flag on the play
Yes, the meltdown has officially kicked off.. Aww hell. It's Tuesday. Last week the trio made it to Wednesday !!
So, it's a bad word.. but not as much of a bad word for white people
Now, that sir is a contradiction that simple amuses me...
YOUR views on censorship and who should get points.. well, Im still here aren't I !!
btw im still at ground 0 over here !! So much for the "Pocket Mods " and the rest of the crap you all have been posting all over co-ed.
Not only that, your post appears to be antagonizing some type of confrontation.. Can you please explain what you mean by:
"^^ya i'd like to see him call SC boy to his face. or you. or me, for that matter."
I will just leave that there like there rest of the mess you and your boy's-man bud's-homies-alter ego's whatever have started & haven't finished here..
Quick question does your phn/comp have spell check? Your punctuation hurts my eyes ! O wait, that's part of your disguise LOL from your other handles... Oh Hell. Never mind !