Originally Posted by Gabrielle
So I see you have given in to providing your name? Way to stick with the fight dude!
Have I? I must've missed where all screening providers do must either be identical to yours or given your blessing.
It is astonishing how you are still failing to see how you are a liability to the board.
Mindless ramblings. How many responses with "to each their own" do you need to see before you realize that both sides of the argument for or against RL info During screening HAVE RESOLVED the debate. It truly is to each their own, and everyone but you seems to be cool with that.
Truth be told, it's none of ur business what screening I or anyone else goes through with other providers, and I'm not about to out said provider just to continue arguing with an inactive whore to this area who can't get out of her own way enough to see this debate ended a while ago.