Originally Posted by Becky
Hey SR,you should have used your mod status when you were attempting to get me to make the drive out to Sonoma.( its two hours God Damn it not 1:21 lol) Had I only known you were a mod I would have been so in awe with all that new found power, and status How could I have possibly refused .
The mods cannot abuse their powers. We do this for the good of womankind and mankind. In the wrong hands, the universe would be lost.
Okay, missy. I used google to get the 1:21 directions. So now I have to use my mod powers and run Streets & Trip (a Microsoft program I
actually like, see attached). Notice the 1:04 for "average driving speeds." If I set it to go with faster driving speeds, it is :56 but I know part of that goes through a ton of traffic lights and GG Park. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, using slow driving speeds it is 1:15. Obviously, I have an ax to grind.
But it is because I was disappointed I missed meeting you and your puppy. And yes, my fault when all said and done.