Originally Posted by bambino
I scratch my head sometimes on Tiny’s thought process. Trump has transformed the Republican Party from the Country Club party to the working class Party. The Dems, on the other hand are the party of Liberal elites. Cheney was a deep stater, just like her dad and the Bush’s. All RINOS. If anything, Cheney is a Democrat now. Trump is draining the Republican Party of the Deep State RINOS. He wants to give power back to the people. Trump is in firm control of the new Republican Party. Draining the swamp.
There's only one big policy difference I've got with him in a normal world, and that's his tariffs and trade policies.
I don't trust him in an emergency. COVID's an example, there are things he could have done better, although I have to admit Operation Warp Speed made up for a lot of it. The strike on Iran is another. He called the planes back, but we came too close to another stupid neocon war in the Middle East for my taste. He relies on his gut too much, which probably works just fine when he's doing real estate deals, but isn't a good strategy for the leader of the free world.
The Big Lie was a big deal. In general I like living in a Democracy, although admittedly I'd probably rather live in a country run by a Donald Trump who somehow managed to steal an election he lost by 7 million votes, instead of a country where Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren were elected president in a free and fair election. That's assuming progressives controlled the House and Senate too.
The big thing though is that I've had the displeasure of working with two narcissists and liars who are just like him. I won't ever do business with them again, and it will be a cold day in hell before I'd vote for them or Donald Trump for president. As long as a Libertarian is on the ballot.