Originally Posted by ProviderRider
To be fair in this debate I got to say I have seen lots of guys on this board and from ASPD that are just too demanding of all their needs. This is about man needing sex and women providing it. I agree it is better with extra things like being nice and being treated as such to boost the male ego. I have been told by many providers over the years that the guys want to have a text relationship that spreads out over days before they even show up and pay for a single thing. I know that I run across women in my life that just that one alone consumes too much of my time responding to text messages. I cant imagine how frustrated I would be if I had several women texting me all day. How could you get anything done. I would end up throwing that gawd damn phone in the lake. I was selling a 4wheeler one time and got tired of the same old questions and one poor guy caught hell from me lol. And of course he states he would have been the one to buy it but bc I was a prick I could keep it. I SAY FUCK IT AND MOVE ON.
Damn right!! That shit would drive me crazy!! I was seeing this gal one time. She texted me constantly, told her to chill, then I just started ignoring her.. I think the bitch went into panic mode and texted even more after told her to stop!! Finally I just told her look... you remind me of my ex. I don't think this is going to work out. That did the trick ,pissed her off and that was the end of it. LoL!!