Originally Posted by discreetgent
Put me in the category of people who just don't like Tokyo; have been there quite a few times and it never did it for me. Hong Kong, Sydney, London, Paris fared much better.
As I imply in the quote below
Originally Posted by Wwanderer
Anyone who wants to make a serious attempt to "see the world" really shouldn't miss Japan, especially Tokyo. You might love it to the point of addiction and it might make your skin crawl, both common reactions, but most experienced travelers consider it unique in many complex and subtle ways. It is BY FAR my favorite place in the world (of which I have seen around 50 countries, 6 continents plus a bunch of islands)...
Despite the fact that I love the place, I am very aware that a lot of foreign visitors really don't enjoy it. I have seen many examples of this, but I cannot pick out the pattern. In other words, I can't predict in advance who will regard it as wonderful and who, awful. An interesting puzzle...
Anyway, re Hong Kong, Sydney, London and Paris, all of those places have cultures that are far more like each other and like US culture (or NYC culture if you want to stick with cities reather than countries) than they are like Japanese/Tokyo culture. It is just different...and I don't really understand why in any deep sense.
Maybe I will figure it out on this next trip (will be there in less than 2 weeks now!!).