Is it particularly different then society in general? In other words, think of the last 10 interracial couples you have seen. Just in a black/white context, the majority are white women/black men couples. There hasn't been the same rate of increase in black women/white men. Possibly related to girls being a little more "rebellious" then men. Or black women being more conservative then white women, white men more conservative then black men. (Conservative in terms of adhering to "social standards", intentionally in quotes). My family is far from the KKK, but I am sure they would be unhappy or less then thrilled if I brought home a darker skinned girlfriend. Abject racism and closed mindedness are not mutually exclusive. And in a smaller example, I like to avoid conflict with my family, while my sister revels in it. Does any of this affect how I hobby? Not really, but there is a general societal trend there and maybe subconsciously it does.
In the same terms, your average asian/white pairing is white male/asian female. Few asian male/white female couples. Black men/asian females the same, and can't think of any asian male/black female pairing I have ever seen in my own life.
just doing a search on interracial marriage percentages pulled up this article supposedly based on the 2000 census. I can't verify the source or know about it, but sounds reasonable. It is almost as if the hobby is a slight reflection of society in general.
Whatever the reasons for these gaps and disparities, it is not just an oddity in this hobby of ours. I would be interesting to see what statistics are related to interracial children are, but even when you look at the census there isn't racial categories for interracial. Our most basic senses are european/african american/asian/hispanic etc.
I'm not sure it is good/bad or anything. Almost is what it is. But will it change in the future? Those statistics will suggest that white male/black female and asian male/black female pairings will have to increase their percentages.