In Tribute to the sharp beady eyes of Jewish Lawyer who correctly identified my post of the "Ask a Mexican" pic, I, Waco Kid feel this topic requires further elaboration. So, in glowing tribute to JL, let's "Ask a Racist" shall we?
Is this racist? No. unless you want to invent "Political Racism", which in this case doesn't qualify as racial racism.
"In 1971, John Wayne said in an interview with Playboy that he believed in white supremacy, "until blacks are educated to a point of responsibility.”
Is this racism? No. It's just the Duke being fatherly and wanting good education for all Americans! What a Patriot!
"Charlie Sheen used racial slurs to describe his ex-wife, Denise Richards, during a 2008 voice mail to her."
Is this racist? No. First his ex cleaned him outta about 20 Mil in their divorce and second he was drunk on TigerBlood so he gets a "free pass", this time.
"In a radio interview U.S. Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, said, “My father had a ranch. We used to hire 50 to 60 wetbacks to pick tomatoes,” he said. “You know, it takes two people to pick the same tomatoes now.”
Is this racist? No. He's just complimenting hard working Mexicans, who just happen to sweat a lot!
"Al Sharpton said this to an audience at Kean College in 1994. “White folks was in the caves while we was building empires … We built pyramids before Donald Trump ever knew what architecture was … we taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it." And during the Crown Heights Riot, Sharpton said this, "If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house".[62]
Is this racist? Absolutely! Why? because Al simply doesn't know his history! Everyone knows Egyptians are not truly Black Africans and the Greeks are math Freaks! And one of the earliest examples of Astronomy (approx 5,000 years BC) is StoneHenge, built by white Anglo-saxons, which pre-dates the Pyramids!
In 2012, rapper Kreayshawn tweeted the flowing - "Sometimes I wish slavery was still going' on." "I don't need black fans anyway. Y'all don't buy albums."
Is this racist? No. she's simply expressing the economic demographics of society. But we'll give her 300 demerits for insulting
anyone who might
actually buy one of her crappy CD's.
"Among other instances where Mel Gibson was caught making racist comments, in 2006 when he was arrested for DUI he told the arresting officer, "Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world."
is this Racist? No. But we will gig Mel 20 demerits because what his drunk ass
should have said is "Jews
financed all the wars in the world." that doesn't mean they started them.
Roger Ebert once tweeted - "I'd rather be called a N***** than a Slave." He was referring to the story of Huckleberry Finn.
is this Racist? No, because Roger was merely making a literary comment on the book. and besides, how could a ugly white guy from Chicago be racist?
Ricky Rubio once tweeted about Kevin Love, "Ok, he doesn't look like a Mexican anymore but I think he looks even worst … Here is our superstar."
is this racist? Hmmm .. this is a tough one! First, Rubio is Spanish and if Love is Mexican then we all know that the Spanish and Mexicans are "blood cousins" so he's just talking a little family smack here. We'll allow it
this time but Rubio needs to bring a couple extra burritos over for Christmas dinner to make amends.
"Michael Richards shouted racial slurs to black hecklers in his audience during a 2006 show"
is this racist? No, because the first rule of Stand-up Comedy is never let a heckler get the better of you! Besides, those idiots
paid for that abuse! They got their money's worth. Lenny Bruce approves.
"Dog the Bounty Hunter dropped multiple N-bombs during a phone message to his son."
Is this racist? No, it's all in the family. He can call his deadbeat son whatever he wants. See Ricky Rubio above.
"Chelsea Handler once tweeted a picture of a can of grape soda to Nick Cannon and said, "pls drink this before you tweet me again."
is this racist? Hmm. Another tough one, this could go either way, i mean i get the "Grape Ape" thing and all, but i
really think she insulted jews, because we all know that grapes are part of wine which is used in sacred Jewish ceremonies, so we'll give her 50 demerits for not picking the proper beverage, Colt45 Malt Liquor!
"While on the campaign trail during his 1984 presidential run, the Rev. Jesse Jackson referred to New York City as “Hymietown.”
is this racist? Absolutely! Why? because Jessie, a known cheater is
really insulting virgins and who doesn't want a fresh virgin? Right, Jessie?
Of the instances where talk show host Rush Limbaugh has made racist comments, these are a few of the more notable.
"Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?"
"Take that bone out of your nose and call me back."
"The NAACP should have riot rehearsals. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies."
is this racist? No, because we've already established Jessie Jackson as a racist so two racists calling each other racist makes a non-racist, get it? But we will give Rush 100 demerits for not using the more politically correct term "nose ring"
Following the tsunami that Japan in 2011, Gilbert Gottfried tweeted - "What do Japanese Jews love to eat? Hebrew National Tsunami."
is this racist? No. But it's a fucking terrible joke so Lenny Bruce does NOT approve. 20 demerits.
In an interview with Esquire Magazine Spike Lee said the following. "I give interracial couples a look. Daggers. They get uncomfortable when they see me on the street."
is this racist? Absolutely! Why? because this fuckhead is being both a hypocrite (his movies are nothing BUT racist) and he dares to give the "stinkeye" .. to ANYONE.
Former Sen. George Allen (R-Va.) was caught on tape during a 2006 campaign stop referring to an Indian-American campaign volunteer as "macaca." The word is a derogatory term used to describe Africans.
is this racist? Hmm. another tough one. No, but we'll give him 250 demerits for being too stupid to know the difference between Africans and American Indians. Get it
right next time will ya?
So there you have it! Ask a racist! You can thank me for clearing all this up later.