From a study published by the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) four months ago:
"The USD was involved in nearly 90% of global FX transactions, making it the single most traded currency in the FX market (Graph A1). The dominance of the USD is evident across all FX instruments and counterparties. At least 85% of trading in the spot, forward and swap markets features the USD in one leg of the transactions."
There is no need for the dollar to be involved in a whopping 90% of the world's FX trades. If Saudi Arabia or Brazil now decide to simplify their goods exchanges with China by taking payment partly in yuan or renminbi, I wouldn't get my panties all twisted in a bunch.
Moreover, the dollar still accounts for around 60% of global central bank reserves. That's way ahead of the next favorite currency (Euro). The dollar is fully convertible, whereas the yuan remains subject to all kinds of conversion and capital flow controls. Which would you rather hold?
(None of the above should be taken to suggest the Biden administration's economic stewardship has been anything less than abysmal. The Democrats' ignorantly misguided and recklessly irresponsible fiscal & monetary policies have ignited inflation and are spelling disaster for the US economy.)
Let's try to keep everything in historical perspective: