A lot going on in this thread..
Ok, I've seen Kendal once and had a fantastic time. Not long after, the infamous reviews with pics and vids hit the board and it became next to impossible to get back in to see her. I've tried once since she came back, and it just didn't work out.
I must admit, I moved on and just stopped trying after that, but not because she wasn't worth the effort or due to her price point, but rather because I realized finally how I like to hobby:
I'm focused on only seeing my regulars these days. My ATF's...as many times as I can and as many times as they can stand seeing me. It's comfortable, safe, consistent and awesome. Sure, I'll mix in the occasional DFW traveler, but I've seen them before, too.
In truth, I just don't have the time to chase down anyone...even Unicorns like Kendal that are worth the effort (she totally is).
As for the videos...I don't know who did what to whom and/or if they were profited from or not. Obviously, posting vids to a public website and profiting from it is a hell of a lot different than limiting them to ECCIE.
I have no dog in this fight, nor do I want one but I will say one thing: in my mind, those vids are the reason KC got so busy that I couldn't get back in to see her, so I can only surmise they had an immediate benefit to her business. What happened later is clearly a sore subject, so I'll leave it at that with all due respect to Kendal.
As for the original question: it's pretty short sighted to draw a line in the sand and say "no woman is ever worth more than "X".
Some women are, others are not. The only way to really know is to experience them for yourself and THEN come to your conclusion.
In my one experience with the OP, she's worth her rate but tough to get in to see.
...as always, YMMV.