Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If I go target shooting CJ will you put the target up for me? About 500 yards ought to be just about right.
We all know the birther movement started with Hillary Clinton and, whether you like her or not, she is not a dummy.
I have read what Sheriff Arpaio has written and I have read what Lord Monckton has written. Neither has said where they think Obama was born (despite you birther looneys) but both has said that the birth certificate is a forgery and the Sheriff says the draft card is a phony. Why is something you have to ask yourself. Why would a politician risk exposure by posting a fake birth certificate and draft card? We do know that Obama signed into Occidental College as a foreign exchange student. Obama went to Pakistan when it was illegal for American's to go there. A foreign student does not have to sign up for the draft. These are things we know but we still don't know why they had to post fake documents. I suggest you deniers at least read the information.
From what I've read, when Obama went to Pakistan in 1981, the State Department was recommending that American citizens not travel in Pakistan for safety reasons. I don't think it was illegal. Obama went to Pakistan to visit with his Muslim college roommate. He was there for three weeks.
I think there's a good chance that Obama's tuition at Occidental was payed for by Bill Ayers parents. Thomas Ayers (Bill Ayers father) was a multi millionaire and was a politcally active leftist. Bill Ayer's mother openly admitted that they were paying for Obama's education. This is according to the Ayer's mailman who has stated that Mrs Ayers introduced him to Barack Obama and told him that he was a foreign student. Apparently Obama was visiting the Ayers at their residence. The mailman talked to Obama for a few minutes. He said that Obama casually told him that he was going to be president; the mailman said that Obama said it like someone would say I'm going to be lawyer or a doctor.