As it happens, both of my top 2 deepthroaters have also rimmed me.
Last year I meet a wonderful civilian who had pussy eating for a fetish. Guess what - me too! During pre-meet chat wherein I learned she wanted exactly the same thing I did, she mentioned she *also* enjoyed hours of attention on her ass.
Now since Beejay... Beejay... a twisted woman without limits... anyway, I felt it unfair to not return something that felt so good to me, especially when my mouth was already writing a lot of checks my tongue would have to cash. To not go along enthusiastically seemed hypcritical.
We met twice, and both times spent much of the 3 hours I lavished on her tongue fucking her ass or otherwise licking/biting it.
That rambling tale is how I learned to eat ass. Unfortunately, that girl broke up with me today (sniff - need to worship pussy/ass, and nowhere to go...)
However, those very hot chats built up a nice trust level, and I would not necessarily offer to everybody I meet.
I did ask Makenzee if she was clean...
I always make sure I am fresh before a date just in case. Washcloth and soap and it's clean enough when I'd put my own tongue in it.