Originally Posted by BuxomBeauty
I find it curiously obvious that BIOMED the moderator, staff edited the comments here yet ALLOWS ALL OF THE WOLF IN THE FOLD THREAD which is BLATANT GUIDELINE INFRACTION OF TARGETING to run rampant and UNEDITED FOR MONTHS then reopen 6 months later still with no staff edit.
This shows the true hypocrisy of your moderator. Wonder if i need to schedule a session with him too. Maybe I'll receive equal protection under the guidelines as well.
I guess egregious is in the eye of the beholder regardless of if it violates eccie guidelines or not.
Its almost like certain members are being told when and how to circumvent the guidelines and how to target other members. I'd like to see this guideline enforcement be applied across the board and not just to the extreme veterans of the board. Bc it is blatantly obvious that it has been.
Wow, it's been a while since you've posted (except ads). And yet here you are. Many people probably don't know what you're talking about so in case anyone needs context to catch up and evaluate the statements made above, the referenced thread is here:
BTW I got no points or warnings from that thread, best I can recall. I probably would today, under the new guidelines update, but it was a different time. And no, I haven't scheduled any sessions with biomed. Let's just put that one to bed right now. Ew.