Originally Posted by WTF
That is the exact same thing liberals say about education, welfare and other Sundry pet projects...
Unfortunately for those socialist liberal weasels
the govt is only obligated to secure defense.
The other non defense items are extra-constititional.
Welfare and education were never intended
to be the responsibility of the US govt.
That's completely overlooking the fact that
our welfare programs are corrupt and failing.
No nations are spying on dhhs.
Education? ha ha ha you just say this crap
without thinking about it.
Our education system has been going downhill
SINCE the govt got involved.
Other than our colleges where hard disciplines
are taught- it's all junk. Global comparisons
have our kids towards the bottom of
academic rankings of developed nations.
Oddly the more govt money a school gets
the worse overall student grades get.
Our schools aren't being copied by the
north koreans, iranians or venezuelans.
IF the liberals pet projects had any teeth
it would be another story.
Over the last 50 ys the military has come
to be the apex force on this planet.
In that same 50 ys what was a high school
grade education in 1960 is the academic
equivalent of a two year associates degree now.
Our soldiers are the most battle hardened
modern army in the world.
Our students are not the best in the world.
The distinction is obvious.
To disarm now when our enemies are gathering
their numbers and resources is courting disaster.
Claim what you wish
facts are stubborn things.