Originally Posted by sir charles III
Idk. They want to be treated professionally. They want prebooking, deposits and guarantees. However, it seems even the once reliable agencies are flaking out these days. I was ghosted today for the third week in a row by an agency once pretty active on this board. Prebooked. Confirmed the date and time. Only to be ghosted at agreed upon time. I really like the girl so I keep trying, so that’s on me. But still pretty shitty.
And there is only 1 legit agency in this town sir..
So be the Google ads agency?
Don't put what isn't true and ad cc's to the list. K?
Yall think cause it says on a dam billboard ITS TRUE..
well it ain't.
So ill do ya the pleasure of making sure everyone else your whining about agencies to...
You were talking to yet AGAIN a fake provider..
Thank you.