Please AG, don't try to dry snitch me to the mods, just hit the RTM button and let the chips fall where they may.
I looked through my posts, I don't see anywhere I mentioned classified information.
Please explain how this review is keeping anybody safe?
US the girls?.
Because it tells us that the reviews are now being watched there?
You think knowing that the boss of this place is unhappy with the reviews that's gonna stop these guys from reviewing the place?
Six weeks is six weeks Bro!
I don't give a shit about this place AG or this girl.
I've never been nore do I intend to go.
And please don't come on here and try to imply that I am white knighting 2.0, meaning that instead of going to the girl and telling her, you think I am trying to save her by telling you all what to do!
My point is, "Don't shit where you eat!
Don't write review after fucking review same girl same place and expect good things to come from it!
I have never been to see this girl because I'm not gonna stand in line cock to ass,
Once again!
My Fucking Point Being" Don't Shit Where You Eat!
And if you do, dont fucking cry about it when it tastes like shit!
IE:writing reviews and getting caught!
And as I said earlier, someone snitched him out.
After months of repeated reviews, now theres a problem?
Forget the details that pointed him out personally, that was his fault.
It just annoyed me that he got all whiney about it, like his girlfriend was mad at him.
And everyone decided to co-miserate with him instead of calling him on it.
Another point is if you keep repeating reviews of the same place, same girl!
Bad things may happen, and sometimes those places and people go away!
If you give a shit about the place, then you would think that the others that like this place would say something!
Even in PMs.
We are not here to destroy the places, and it appears that very few think like this.
Instead they have the same view as the guys that is currently blowing up the sand box!
He said once I don't give a shit about these places because another one will open up shortly after one closes .
Or words to that effect!
Yes, true but will you get the same level of service from the new place?
I rarely agree with Krieghoff about anything, but he is spot in about this subject!
Now if you all don't mind, I am going to try to put a sharp stick through Bambi!
We can reconvene after legal shooting hours!
Originally Posted by AmishGangster
Dog, first off when you are speaking of ROS info, or replying to comments made in private tags you should respond in private tags.