Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Hell, the illegals are definitely a minority in perpetrating voter fraud - the primary culprits are organized Democrat and Republican politicos who with or without illegals perpetrate fraud.
I will have to agree with ya on that. We just weren't aware of how bad it was until they started voting folks off the Island on Survivor, Season One!
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You brought them up, I thought you might know something. I was wrong.
CuteOldGuy, you introduce a link with the implications that there is massive voter fraud. All it basically says is that some States/Counties need to purge their voter rolls. It says nothing about actual voter fraud. They haven't purged dead folks or felons from the rolls.
We could set up a bio metric system to prevent Martian's from voting I suppose .... afterall even though there is no proof that Martians are voting, there is always the possibility that they are
http://02f8ec3.netsolhost.com/wam/index.php?option=com_content&v iew=article&id=1584:alarming-vote-fraud-statistics&catid=93:election-year-2010&Itemid=120
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Here's a different question. What level of illegal votes is tolerable? How many illegal votes must be cast before it is a problem?
Show me the problem. Show me the massive illegal voting problem. So far, you have only shown what maybe/possible/who knows/big bad wolf scenario that may happen if the Mexicans all get laptops and facebook accounts.
You do understand that all business have a number where fraud is tolerable. Nobody wants it... or to admit it but there is a formula people use to see if the cost of prevention is worth the so called pound of cure. In this case there is nothing to cure!
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Since polling place integrity is not an issue to you, you must have an idea about how many it would take before it became an issue. Don't you?
It is not an issue with me because you have not shown it to be. You have offered no evidence of massive voter fraud. No Chic and Chong bringing illegals to the polls and voting illegally.
What you do have is mostly Democratic efforts to bus old folks to the polls. That is what these type of measures are aimed at and you should be smart enough to see that. It is a smart move on the GOP's part. But do not be so ignorant as to fall for the iillegal aspect part of these bills. That is smoke and mirrors.