Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You think I wait here all day so I can answer your stupid question?
I think wherever the manufacturer wants to build cars is fine. It's the libs that were getting so upset over sending jobs overseas. Everyone claimed Romney was going to do it. Which he probably would have. But Obama doesn't mind doing it either. In fact, he makes it easier for friends like GE.
But Obama can do no wrong. I know that.
youre an idiot
opening plants in China wont cost 1 single american a job ... not one pant here will close because one opened in China .... expanding business is the MO of any company, Ford, GM, Walmart,Starbucks, McDonalds, to name a few, are perfect examples in China
you still wont answer the question because you cant afford to step on your own hypocritical dick ... just like you refused to answer the same question I ask you after Romney spouted it off during the campaign, and you were going batshit crazy ..
the dems opposed it huh? ... guess youre a dem, among other things.