Originally Posted by Rockydoc
Hey time to play, did you at least stay in a Holiday Inn express once.
Summer does as she wants and apparently has enough business to keep her happy. Anyone that does not want to support her can support someone else. No big deal.
Rockydoc, I'm not sure what warranted a response like that - maybe there was a misinterpretation of what Baconman said and what I agreed with? I was agreeing with what Baconman said that it is "her business she can run it how she wants to". Whether he, or I, or you, or anyone else agrees with her screening requirements is beside the point as it's her life and her safety at stake so my point is let's honor her in that and not condemn her. I think we all can at least be in agreement on that, can't we? Summer seems like a super sweet lady and even though her screening policies may be a road block for someone like me, I fully support her in doing so if that is what she feels she needs to do.
I've only been on this board for a short time, but I would like to think that as grown adults we can agree to disagree on things, and also strive to at least consider the other person's point of view while also being civil, polite, and supportive of one another.