Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
...an out-of-work B-movie Republican actor with Alzheimers who was elected to president for eight years...
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You mean the Iran-Contra guy? Who was making sure Iran could still get weapons regardless of international sanctions?
Wow... just look at the snarky lib-retards trying to tear down Reagan. Too bad for them his record speaks for itself. It frustrates the hell out of them that they can't rewrite history.
That "B-grade Republican actor" won the Cold War. For real. Without firing a shot. No more Iron Curtain. Tens of millions of East European citizens threw off the yoke of communism and today live free and independent lives due to Reagan's endeavors.
The star of Bedtime for Bonzo also tamed Jimmy Carter's inflation and turned the US economy around, unleashing the growth engine that created over 16 million jobs during his tenure. Plus he reformed the tax code, strengthened Social Security, overhauled immigration, and funded many of the advanced weapons systems that help keep us safe today.
I'll take more "B-grade actors with Alzheimers" anytime they can produce such an outstanding record of accomplishment. Reagan's achievements are an embarrassment to the swamp-dwelling professional political class. B-grade actors from non-Ivy schools aren't supposed to chalk up so many wins.