Originally Posted by TinMan
I know we're not supposed to draw conclusions until all the facts are known, but it sounds increasingly like her boyfriend was her pimp. Classic pimp isolation tactic on display in that latest story.
Just the regular run of the mill boyfriend/SO/husband, who is violent and aggressively possessive, will ALSO isolate their girlfriends from their parents.
Illegal substance use, and abuse (including alcohol), will also cause an individual to distance oneself from their family.
I'm just playing Devil's Advocate, I'll admit. Since to me, it looks like perhaps she was working.
But the constant, middle of the night, texts? I rarely see a person in their 20's who ISN'T texting constantly. I'm not sure why her texting, in the middle of the night, is that odd.
Especially if she was doing something for a friend, or like we're speculating above, and texting someone to say that she's alright.