Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Take your self righteous bullshit to church.......
Start your own fucking thread if you want to grieve publicly...asshole.
And of course you wont address the statements by your friends in the MSM.
Poor sad dumb fucker. It's not my job to defend statements made in the press. I'll leave that to you, as you link up one right-wing-a-ding link after another.
Explain please how this bombing, that killed an 8 year old boy among others, and was perpetrated by some lunatics, somehow translates into a vehicle for you to use to attack President Obama and anybody that doesn't agree with you politically?
I can only guess its part of your delusional internet life where you fancy yourself the next Breitbart. But, the only place you can find to post up your scoops and sad sack viewpoints is a whore board. You are truly a pathetic and sad piece of shit.