Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Ok, you caught me on a grammatical error...
No, that was a SPELLING error and nobody was trying to "catch" you. I was merely speculating on what you were trying to say.
As for LBJ being a "flat out racist:" I doubt you'll get too many folks around here jumping on that three wheeled bandwagon man. His record clearly states otherwise. In face, in terms of social programs aimed at helping the poor, aged and sick, no US President has come close.
He also was said by a number of people I know/knew who worked for him hto ave been a demanding asshole and a bully. These folks worked for him during his tenure in DC and afterwards here in Austin. Maybe that's what his chauffeur was talking about.
You read that book? Excellent!
And for the record, this has been a civil debate. No need to drag it down into name calling and personal attacks. Just my observation, mind you. I can't speak for others.