Originally Posted by eglrdr
Again Whispers, just trying to look at both sides. Kinda like the old Point/Counterpoint..fuck I'm bored today.
That's how we learn.
As well as how others learn.
For the longest time a lot of issues were never discussed....
Now we discuss just about everything and controversial issues tend to bring out extremists.
But even in the hottest most controversial threads information makes it's way to the community and people learn.....
My posts TEND to be rather long as I try to put a lot of thought as well as view an issue from both sides while trying to get my point across....
I love posts like yours that stimulate a response\counterpoint as you say.
This stuff doesn't HAVE to get ugly..... It's usually made ugly by those that WON'T contribute logically and start whining about negativity.....
if there is something here it is worth discussing......
I've only been in Austin a few years and most of my ASPD years were in Houston, but someone else just PMd me and mentioned this isn't the first time this has come up, although a search of the archives didn't turn it up.
It won't be the first discussion regarding a member trading positive reviews for getting a nut. Although the concept of a member manipulating or scamming a new provider is a bit more distasteful if there is anything to that.