Draft Johnny Mother Fucking Football
The safe bet would be Clowney. But if we do that, might as well develop Keenum and give him a fair shot with a full arsenal and some O-line fuckers that know how to block. Seriously though JFF has got too much flare to pass up. Since FSU's Winston is not eligible till next year, draft Manziel or find a franchise QB elsewhere. But this kid knows how to lead, understands the game, and can flat out ball. I'd be OK with Clowney but got a feeling by not taking Manziel, we'd regret that shit in the long run.
I know 2 and 14 feels like shit but we're shedding a lot of dead weight. Hell, last time I posted we were all ripping Kubes and Dopey. Some were already calling for a new QB and HC. Well here it is and with a #1 pick. I like our odds.
BTW.. Seahawks for the Bowl with an astrick for juicin. LOL