Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You'd be the petulant, covetous bitch crying "waaaa, waaaa, waaaa" look at what they have and they aren't sharing it with you. And you're also a dishonest, covetous bitch when you claim that "money can't buy happiness" and then continuously grouse that the government should tax away the wealth of the successful so that it can give it to failures like you.
Nope, just think the wealthy should pay their fair share. The middle class should not bear most of the burden. My daughter only makes $60,000 per year as a registered nurse and she had to pay 25 percent of her in income in taxes. In addition, she is still paying off student loan debt of about $25,000 (with interest increasing annually) after working almost 3 years now; and she has a car payment of almost $400, plus insurance. How much do you think she has left to live on after paying rent? Don't know how much her student loan payments are, but I think around $300 per month. That's half her paycheck right there. When you account for the fact that the majority of Americans are in this income bracket and that they pay the majority of taxes, who's to say that the rich pay more in taxes? Especially when they are able to use special tax loopholes and deductions on capital gains. You keep repeating the phrase of Democrats as "Gimme, gimme, gimme". Ironically, it should be the phrase of greedy Republicans, who want more and more tax breaks for themselves and lower wages for the middle working class. No matter how you try to justify your argument, you don't have one. All one has to do is look around at today's economy and see how the middle class is almost nonexistent.
As the rich become super-rich, they pay lower taxes. For real.
We can fight all day about this, but the fact is, the poor and middle class actually do pay a lot more in taxes.