Attention interested contestants! I will be announcing the winner of the "Name Ravin's New Friday Special" contest early Friday morning! That means if you haven't already posted you submission, you only have 24 hours to do so. I'm closing the door at 5am Friday morning to allow a few more hours of contemplation for any last minute entries before I post my final choice.
Gentlemen, so far, I've seen some awesome ideas! Some humorous, some vulgar, and some a little of both (my favorite!) And I already know that this is going to be one of the toughest decisions I've ever had to make. (Actually, that's an exaggeration... And thank goodness, or my life would be extremely boring and limited!) None-the-less, it will be difficult to choose only one name.
For all who have posted an entry, thank you so much for your ideas. And for any who still haven't submitted their idea, I look forward to hearing it. Because in the immortal words of Pat Benatar: "Hit me with your best shot! Fire away!"