Originally Posted by txcasper
What do you mean new guy? People can boycott any studio they want and go to any studio they want......its an individuals decision to do either.
SP has reviewed a few places lately so you're a little late/lame if you think this is your big GOTCHA moment; whoever you are
The boycott was for 320 (along with unverified rumors that a girl was poisoned (which had been reviewed by the head of the boycott multiple times now)), and not certain studios lol.. CP is now 320 and it’s totally given a pass haha.. it looks to me that the boycott (simps) leaders have passed on the boycott, are now leading the charge back into the higher rates… wondering are they now getting kickbacks from the studios (studio simp status achieved yet???)
But glad Cristal is back in town, we shall see how many breakdown and accept the 320 now.. it seems that the boycott is over no matter what people say now.