There ain't hardly nobody on this here site that are able to right good enuff to coreck sumbody elses english here. It is the wurst i seen inyware. Evin if all grammer and speling missteaks was coreckted, most posts don't be able say whut the mean to say and are real hard to know whut they is saying because they don't make cents and the centenses is run on and on and on forever and ever and are repetitively repeatedly redundant. I ain't talkin out typos, too. Someone that uses "there" or "thier" or "they're" stead of "their" just sumtimes that mite be a axidintly typo, but if they do it evry time then thy don't know the diffronts. Both providers and hobbiests is as bad as each other. The wons that writ the rules and stickies is just as bad. One rule says something and the next one says the same thing but it is counterdicktry so it is diffront. Evin the biggest critick don't know subjuncktive mood. Cause he said "if that was the case" instead of "if that were the case".
So far, the posts by TravelingGentleman exemplify the best use of written American English I have seen on ECCIE. Even if you disagree with everything he says, he adequately expresses himself.
Read his thread starter at
btw, he doesn't use many texting abbreviations, so some people who cannot communicate without them may not understand what he is saying. lol
btw again, go ahead and check my other posts. You will understand why I didn't use them as good examples of writing. I'm not very good at proof reading.