Originally Posted by Novatx
Well if it is true that he took his own life, I don't feel sorry for him. He had a family who is now grieving and probably have unanswered questions . I don't care how inappropriate that sounds. I still got ma views
It is true that he took his own life according to the partial corner's report that was released today
My cousin that I was close to also committed suicide just over a year ago it was a total shock to us as well we had no idea he was going to do that he always seemed to be the happy go lucky type as well. Which just goes to show that we have no idea what people are thinking and going through. I do feel sorry for him that he was in so much pain that he felt he couldn't go to anyone to help him ease his pain. I also feel sorry for his family as they did not get to say goodbye just as my family did not get to say goodbye to my cousin nor do we know the reason for it since he left no note.
And to say that money can buy you happiness is a naive and classless statement IMO. Especially when made in an RIP thread for someone who is so well beloved. We may not have known him personally but he made us feel like we did. He made us laugh he made us cry he truly was one of the best entertainers of his generation.
And Nova yes you do have the right to express your views but there are sometimes you should learn to hold your tongue. ...IJS