Originally Posted by Starscream66
I found the hobby by accident. I didn't have anyone to guide me through this underworld and it's do's and dont's, learned as I went.
I would say that within my first six months I asked out three providers on real dates. All three turned me down, in my mind at that time good sex or a good time meant that the girl must really like me. There's something special going on, in reality it's just not that way.
Those ladies taught me a valuable lesson that I'm grateful for. They didn't take advantage of me because I was green, told me the truth of how this game works. It's a fanatasy, something to have fun with but know where the line is drawn.
Yea, it's fine to have feelings for a provider and take things to another level. Nothing wrong with that at all. But, I would suggest to really get to know your prosepective lady love. Every great provider is a great actress, playing a part in a fantasy. Tread gently when it comes to affairs of the heart.
Trust is a major thing, so when a provider is really done, she pulls her ads, website, reviews if possible. She most definitely doesn't keep the same hobby phone the entire time she is married. Same with us quitting the hobby. I was gone for nearly 10 years. No emails, no hobby phone, no membership anywhere.
Anything less says one of us is not so sure about the other.discretion is another big issue. I wouldn't get serious with someone who told the whole world who she is and what she does. I've had women recognized just having dinner and it was uncomfortable as hell having been grilled. Granted, they busted themselves because they obviously were on these boards to know who she was, but if her identity wasn't on front street, would have been just a guess. Tits and ass are a bit harder to identify than the whole package, especially in the town we both lived. Some people don't care, but it's tough. I wouldn't want my daughter knowing I did this or I was dating someone who did, but I'm not a liberal. There's someone out there for everyone.