Originally Posted by oeb11
j- please define 'spam'
please define why different opinions are objectionable
Please define what First Amendment /Forum rules are broken
Please define your proposed course of action to those you find to be 'spammers and /or 'objectionable"
Please define why this 'course of action' fits the forum Rules
and - i am so glad you took teh time to rad every one of my posts to be able to define that "the overwhelming majority of your posts qualify as spam,"!
please define why you speak for wtf - who at the moment - may post for himself - and did so to my cordial invitation.
please define teh reference in teh DPST/ccp manual that defines 'spam".
Thank you - valued poster.
Different opinions are not objectionable at all. What is objectionable is that you hammer your opinions in dozens of repetitive posts daily. Everyone gets the idea after 1 or maybe 2 of your repetitive posts. But that isn't enough for you. You feel you must continually bludgeon people over the head with your warped view of the world until it becomes offensive. And totally annoying.
Let's view a recent example of this that is not your usual DPST/marxist/comrade Xi crap. Recently you used the lyrics to the Sam Cooke song "Wonderful World" in one of your threads. That's fine. I've used song lyrics several times in some of my posts. However, I have never used the same song more than once. You start a thread with nothing but a picture and the Wonderful World lyrics. Then you post the lyrics again in another thread. And again. And again. And again.....
I have always been a fan of Sam Cooke and did actually like that song. Until you unnecessarily beat it into the ground. But of course you see nothing at all wrong with that.
Currently 16 of the most recent 20 threads in political forum have been started by you. And most of them say virtually the same thing.
And yet you want me to define spam for you. That's rich.
I will only post this once because you get the idea.