some valuable information...
“No-Encounter Report” Policies are selectively granted on ECCIE Worldwide for specific reasons, usually relating to privacy or security for the Upgraded Female Account. Please understand that enacting a no-Encounter Report policy on ECCIE Worldwide also forfeits your ability to post in the Weekly Update forums or create a Bio Page. Also, please take note that No-Encounter Report policies are not granted to shield an Upgraded Female Account from negative publicity, and that negative Encounter Reports may be allowed to stand to inform the membership, depending on the circumstances.
Secondly, if a lady believes an encounter report is fake, your first step is to contact a moderator, advise us which report you believe is in question and why. We will ask you for some information only you and the submiter should know and then ask the report submiter the same questions. If he cannot answer the questions to our satisfaction, a note will be added to the report suggesting it might be fake or at least, questionable.
Discussing bad reports in this forum is also a good way to bring attention to the member who may be acting inappropriately and lying to be vindictive. Call out their handles! let the other ladies and guys know who the problem members are!