Originally Posted by Miss Barsett
When I first saw this video, I was actually really disappointed in Beyonce's reaction.
I get it, it's your sister, but that is the man you married. To stand back and watch as your blood beats up on him, is, shocking and left me speechless. At least, get in front of him, protect him, if you aren't willing to strike back, but don't just stand there looking on.
NOW, I'm not sure what went on to make Beyonce's sister attack JayZ the way she did, but you don't let FAMILY fight your battles, you stand up and handle your shit. That is your marriage, and if something happened- you handle it like an adult. Because now, I'm sure this just opened a whole another can of worms of problems for them.
I disagree. Beyonce, rumored to be preggers again, didn't need to get in the middle of no fight - especially to protect a grown man. Its obvious, from her reaction, and leaving with Solo, that Camel man on the cigarette ads , had it coming. Protect him? Psshht, uh no he could've cowboy'd the heck up and been a man - besides, his bodyguard handled it for him.
When there's a fight, and relatives watch, 9/10 times its not in awe. The reactions of B and the Security were anything from shock and awe, in fact, it seemed normal.
Family is here to drag me to reality, and if Im blinded and in harms way emotionally, psycologically, and or physically, my family will step in (keyword family) and do what is needed to protect me. Camel man has BeYAWNce wrapped around his camel hump, and apparently someone had to step in.
It says, and I quote from Solos twitter " ...u hit my sis I hit you hoe..." nuff' said. Of course reps are reporting it's a fraud tweet, lol. (Money = power?)
I dont really fuck with my sister period, but if anyone puts hands on her, I'm not responsible for my actions any longer. And that goes for any family member . We younger sisters don't play when it comes to big sis!! #Truestory.