Oh, good grief! Cohersion? In addition to that, there is a guy who puts FOUR periods at the end of practically every phrase and doesn't capitalize anything calling someone else out for using "your" rather than "you're"? And somebody screaming "lawyer talk" in an attempt to demean dialog offered about a legal decision. Where am I? Seinfeld's Bizarro World? LMAO!
Personal experience: There was a milk price war and one grocery chain was selling milk at a far lower price than Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart lowered their price and the other chain did, too, again, just to stay below Wal-Mart! Eventually Wal-Mart got tired of selling milk below their cost because they were selling lots more milk to lots more customers than the other chain. It didn't take long for Wal-Mart to raise the price back to regular levels and then to offer to match the other store's prices.
However, they were sly about it and did not advertise their policy. You only learned they would match the price if you saw someone else mentioning the difference and saw the cashier making an adjustment in the price. You had to ask them specifically about the price difference and you had to tell them the correct price of the competitor's milk on that day.
My point is to say that just as soon as Wal-Mart drives out competition in an area, you will see that store's prices adjusted upward accordingly.
Unlike when Sam Walton was alive and "bought American", the current corporate staff at Wal-Mart buys very little in America and will even help pay Central Americans a bonus to clear forests if they can negotiate a long-term beef contract with them for a nickel a pound less than they pay U.S. ranchers in return.
Wal-Mart is far from a shining example of corporate integrity and they pay 1/2 less or even more than that off what any of you pay for electricity while hordes of shoppers keep their automatic door spewing A/C into the parking lot 24/7.
An average of more than 90 assaults per month occurs in the parking lot of the typical Wal-Mart and yet they drive hard bargains with your city fathers to receive a tax abeyance even while they demand extra city-provided police for investigating and responding to the Parking Lot crime and directing the extra shopping traffic. Then there is the street and road wear they accelerate.
Before you yell "jobs" at the top of your lungs to protest my scribbling, know that they 'invented' the 28-hour 'full-time' work week just to get around paying benefits required for workers who work more than 30 hours! Then there is this little tidbit:
In one southern state, more than 42% of all Wal-Mart employees qualify for government assistance tied to their poverty-level wages and you and I pay the taxes that subsidize the workforce Wal-Mart has cleverly chosen to exploit!
I tend to agree with Olivia who has a better command of English than 80% of the "know-it-alls" here with certain obvious exceptions. I do not shop at Wal-Mart unless they have something I cannot find elsewhere.
Friends and enemies, I give you Wal-Mart because they are the antithesis of what made America great. I disagree that America won anything when a corporation like Wal-Mart can effect chopping down part of a Central American Rain Forest so that a heretofore happy native can grow grass to graze cattle just so Wal-Mart can keep from paying American ranchers the going rate for beef.
They should have a literacy test for some people before they are allowed to start fights over spelling, grammar, politics or judicial decisions. Then I could skip over the ones who don't make sense and/or the ones that refuse to document their data before I read them.
Now, please feel free to resume your regularly-scheduled, uninformed and inaccurate pissing and moaning.
Here is just one source and I have dozens more for all you people who are rejoicing at the decision made by Pubic Thomas, Antonin "Misogynist" Scabface and the rest of the paid-for thieves that are restricted from accepting payola from outside influences even less than Federal District Judges.
http://wwwDOTwalmartmovieDOTcom/facts.php - don't really want to hotlink this site to a SHMB so when your browser doesn't take you to the source put a period where the "DOTS" are if you care to see the source.