Originally Posted by Prolongus
• These poor working girls have to put up with more asshats, dipshits, fuckbrains, jerkoffs and marriage proposals than us guys do in our real life work world. And they have to smell them, too. And pretend they like it. And ladies, you are GREAT at it.
seriously?!?!?!? you have asshats, dipshits, fuckbrains, and jerkoffs giving you marriage proposals???
wonders will never cease!
Originally Posted by berkleigh
A slap of reality is always good!
Ha...Prior to session, should copy and paste and make copies....
Then turn into a contract and and require signature by agreeing to these terms!
I should do this for shits and giggles to someone LOL
one of the first independents i ever consulted with did have some kind of form that she asked me to sign. i cant remember if it was a liability form, a form like a RMT uses, or what. but i did sign it [illegibly]. she also said she was tear it up after a few days. dont know if she ever did, but i consulted w/ her at that location [a condo on Butler off Lemmon that some guy rented out - even had an ad on Eros!], her apt in NE dallas and her loft in downtown.
guess i passed her screening.