Originally Posted by tonyvicksa
I am neutral on the issue. But I will never believe they can accurately measure temperatures or carbon dioxide 100 years ago let alone 400,000 years ago. I call bullshit!!
When you post "measure" you are making an accurate statement, but the reality is scientist look at changes in the chemical composition of substances from those periods of time and based on current measurements can determine what temperature would have been in existence at that time to generate those changes in the substances. Have you ever seen the cross section of an old tree "dated" and "marked" by events ... such as a forest fire?
Satellites can measure changing temperatures beneath the surface to locate various substances beneath the surface. Measurements can be made and determinations verified with changes in the "heat" of an object. That's what motion detectors do .... and night vision equipment. Additionally certain plants are indigenous to areas with certain temperature ranges. The same with animals and reptiles. Where did the dinosaurs go? How come they aren't around any longer?